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Ahhh, Io. The artesian haven of the Jupiterian 'Verse. A hundred-thousand people have written about why Io has such a big artistic influence on the 'Verse, but to me it's simple. How could you not appreciate colors and form, given the vibrant and shifting volcanisity of Jupiter's closest moon?


That being said, Io isn't all beautiful vistas and vibrant colors. Life in a Ioian city is a balance between difficulty and beauty. Imagine modest cobble-concrete buildings nestled within the moon's most sheltered areas, and the smell of sulfur on the air. 


While many a tourist's first introduction to Io's varied ports are mixed (probably due to the strange sulfurous odor), further exploration of the crooked alleyways and tiny trinket shops will leave a lasting impression.


Rugs and drapery are the name of the game, and Io's artistic communities pride themselves on their attention to detail. Nothing beats the vibrancy of an Ioian rug, and fabric is everywhere in the average household.


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